When is the Shab-e-meraj in 2021?
Shab-e-meraj falls on the 27th day of the month of Rajab. After looking at the moon of Rajab, it is known when Shab-e-meraj is. This year, Shab-e-meraj is expected to be on Friday, 12 March 2021.
What is Shab e meraj?
This event is celebrated on the night When Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ went to heavens from Makkah. That night he ﷺ received a gift of prayers from Allah.
Shab e meraj 2021 beautiful wallpaper
When was Shab e meraj?
It was a time of huge sorrow and grief for Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ Because in those days His ﷺ wife Khadija and Uncle Abu Talib had passed away. In this difficult time, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ were introduced directly to Allah through this blessed journey.
Shab e meraj in urdu
Shab e meraj Mubbarik
Shab e meraj ul nabi Mubbarak
Shab e meraj Mubbark